The War Within
The War Within delves into a new subterranean realm called Khaz Algar within Azeroth. This underground expanse, illuminated by a central crystal, encompasses unexplored zones, including the dark depths of the nerubian empire and the radiant underground zone of the Arathi.

Mythic +
Raid Overview
Follower Dungeon
Great Vault
- With the expansion of the transmog system in The War Within, Blizzard has now added an option to view the transmog collection and sets of any class. This feature is almost necessary with War Within adding the ability to learn any transmog piece with any class, making it an incredible addition.
- The new talent calculator has been published, click here.
- The map in "The War Within" has been updated with new icons for quest hubs and advanced filters to limit the icons. Blizzard has added a legend to help players familiarize themselves with these new icons. Significant improvements include search boxes in the character selection screen, spellbook, and quest log.
- The Revival Catalyst now recharges every week instead of every other week.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The retired affixes are Raging, Bolstering, Sanguine, and Explosive.
Levels +2 to +11 have the following modifiers:
- +2: Xal’atath's Bargain on a weekly rotation.
- +4: Fortified or Tyrannical on a weekly rotation.
- +7: Xal’atath's Voidbound.
- +10: (from 01/07/2024) Fortified and Tyrannical together.
- +12: Xal’atath's Bargain e Xal’atath's Voidbound.
The new affixes are Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant, Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound, and Xal'atath's Guile.
The Ascendant affix, active from +2, summons every minute 2 waves of 5 Orbs of Ascendance that cast Cosmic Ascension. If successful, they empower mobs with +20% movement speed and Haste for each completed orb.
The new raid is the Palace of Nerub'ar, introducing a new "Story" difficulty along with Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and LFR.
The Story mode allows from 1 to 10 players and includes only the fight with Queen Ansurek.
Increases damage dealt and healing done by 3% within the Palace of Nerub'ar, stacks up to 15 times, and uses quests instead of tokens to boost the buff.
The new battleground is Deephaul Ravine, a 10v10 located in the Resonant Depths of Khaz Algar.
Honor can be traded among your warband members, and recipes for crafted PvP gear can be purchased with Honor.
Follower Dungeons allow players to tackle dungeons solo with a group of NPCs. The NPCs can either follow the player or navigate the dungeon autonomously.