

The new account-wide progression system that will be introduced with the expansion. With this new system, players will be able to enjoy account-wide progression for all characters on their Battle.net account, regardless of faction.

With this new mode, the following changes or additions will be introduced:
  • Character Connection: All characters within the same region will be linked together.
  • Shared Bank: A dedicated tab will be available in the personal bank interface to facilitate sharing.
  • Conversion Time: Converting all characters to the pre-patch will take some time.
  • Transmog Loot Priority: Main characters will have priority over transmog loot compared to other characters in the warband.
  • Shared Collection: The item collection will be shared and updated even when an item is obtained for another class.
  • Unlocking All Aspects Through Quests: Missions will unlock all possible aspects of items.
  • Shared Achievements: Achievements will be valid across the entire account.
  • Resource Transfer: It will be possible to transfer resources between characters.
  • Shared Reputations: Reputations earned in the new expansion will be shared across the entire account.
  • Flight Points: Unlocking a flight point will make it available to all characters in the warband.
  • Shared Progress in Delves: Progress in the Delves will be shared among all characters.


How do warbands work?

Warbands aim to help gearing and progressions a little easier for players who find themselves playing more than one character at a time. The new Warbands system coming with The War Within will apply to all of the characters on a player's Battle.net account.

It's important to note that your Warband is limited to characters within a single region (i.e., Americas, Europe, Korea, Tawain, etc.) but the system covers characters across different realms, factions, and even subscriptions.

There are a few main goals that Warbands hopes to accomplish:

  • Make playing alternate (alt) characters easier and more enjoyable for players.
  • Switch between characters without falling behind.
  • Acknowledge the player behind the screen - allow players to carry achievements from one character to the next.
  • Clarify which aspects of the game are account-wide versus character-specific.


Warband conversions

The biggest selling point of Warbands is to convert aspects of the game which are currently character-specific and make them Warband (account) wide. Upon players' first login after The War Within pre-expansion patch, this conversion process will start, making many progression systems of the game account-wide. This means players won't need to log into each character for all progression, items, etc. to convert, however, there may be some wait time for the system to process your Warband upon first login.

Warband Bank

As the name suggests, the Warband Bank is an account-wide bank with multiple tabs that will allow players to freely transfer reagents and items across multiple characters on an account. This eliminates the time-consuming and complicated process of having to mail items between characters.

The Warband Bank can be accessed at bankers located throughout the game. This bank will provide 5 tabs with 98 inventory slots on each tab.

Warbound until equipped gear

Coming with Warbands is gear that will have the Warbound until Equipped attribute. This type of gear can be freely transferred between characters, making gearing on alts significantly easier. Once a piece of Warbound gear is equipped, it will become Soulbound and can no longer be traded between characters.

While this gearing system is still under development, there are plans to have Warbound until Equipped gear available within raids, dungeons, and Delves creating plenty of opportunities for players to get their hands on this gear to help any alts they intend to play on. Furthermore, whenever a player earns loot, there is a small bonus chance to gain an addition piece of Warbound until Equipped gear as personal loot!

Notes on Earning Bonus Warbound until Equipped Gear:
  • Bonus Warbound until Equipped Gear earned by a player will be one lower tier than the other loot from that source. (Example: Hero Gear from Source will drop bonus Warbound until Equipped Gear at Champion level).
  • The bonus Warbound until Equipped Gear can be gear usable by any class. This might mean that the bonus gear earned might not be directly transferrable if players don't have a readily available character to equip said gear on.
  • By playing the game, players will occassionally earn gear that is a single tier lower than their current gear that can be sent over to help alternate characters or to help a new class you've been meaning to try.

Transmog collections

Transmog collections in The War Within are becoming armor type-agnostic, meaning any character, regardless of their respective armor type, can loot transmog for their other characters to use! For example, if a Priest loots a piece of plate armor, which they are not able to use, they would still be able to unlock that transmog for any plate wearing characters they have on their Battle.net account.

Class-specific appearances are the one exception to this rule. Class-specific items will still be collectible only by that specific class. However, this restriction should not impeded on a player's ability to collect a great majority of the transmog collections available in-game.

Lastly, players will now be able to view appearances on any character of any class or race within the appearances UI in-game!

Rolling for Gear in Raids Change

Here's the translation into English:
One small note that accompanies the changes in transmogrification is that there will be a slight change in how the gear distribution system works in raids with Group Loot. In relation to transmogrification, any gear that has not yet been collected will have the option to roll for Transmog rather than the Greed option. (Transmog has the highest priority).

  • Note: When rolling for Transmog, any gear that drops and can be equipped by your current character will have a higher rolling priority than those characters who cannot equip the item. Therefore, a Priest rolling for cloth armor will always beat a Warrior who is rolling for the same Transmog armor.

Quests to Unlock all Appearance Rewards

A brilliant and exciting change for collectors! Completing quests in The War Within that reward players with appearance rewards will now unlock all possible appearances, regardless of the weapon or armor type! Monks can earn Plate armor, Warriors can earn Cloth armor, just for completing the quest! This will help players earn appearances in a more streamlined way.


Throughout World of Warcraft's lifespan, many in-game Achievements have been created to be account-wide unlocks. This concept is being further expanded upon with Warbands, with many achievements being a one-time unlock across all characters. This will allow players to be more flexible with where they spend their playtime.


Currency in Warbands will be handled a little bit differently. Instead of making currencies Warband-wide, simply the transfer of currency will be easier. This will help avoid confusion over spending the wrong currency on the wrong character.

With this new system, you can directly transfer shareable currencies from other characters to the one you are currently playing within the current User Interface..

It is important to note that currencies have a conversion rate. This means some currencies will not transfer directly 1:1. So for example, if a currency has a conversion rate of 50%, transferring 100 of said currency to another character will take 200 of the currency on whatever character you are transferring from.