Raid Boss
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
As one of the brightest minds in Gallywix, Ritzelkrämer Lockenstock simply can’t say no to innovation, which means his list of inventions is longer than the conveyor belts in his factory. Always looking to cut costs wherever he can, Lockenstock is constantly on the hunt for new markets to test his gadgets.

1. Mine Management
1. Mine Management
Sonic Ba-Boom
Blisterizer Mk. II
Upgraded Bloodtech
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
1. Sonic Ba-Boom
2. Gravi-Gunk
3. Blisterizer Mk. II
4. Upgraded Bloodtech
Wire Transfer
Beta Launch
Bleeding Edge
Pyro Party Pack
Mega Magnetize
Blazing Beam
Screw Up
Rocket Barrage
Jumbo Void Beam
Void Barrage
Polarization Generator
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
1. Wire Transfer
2. Beta Launch
3. Bleeding Edge
4. Pyro Party Pack
5. Mega Magnetize
6. Blazing Beam
7. Screw Up
8. Rocket Barrage
9. Jumbo Void Beam
10. Void Barrage
11. Polarization Generator
12. Foot-Blasters