Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock

Raid Boss

Sprocketmonger Lockenstock

As one of the brightest minds in Gallywix, Ritzelkrämer Lockenstock simply can’t say no to innovation, which means his list of inventions is longer than the conveyor belts in his factory. Always looking to cut costs wherever he can, Lockenstock is constantly on the hunt for new markets to test his gadgets.

[Phase 1]
Gravi-Gunk swap tanks.
[Phase 1]
Sonic Ba-Boom heal through.
Bleeding Edge heal through.
Upgraded Bloodtech heal through.
[Phase 1]
Polarization Generator split colors.
Wire Transfer move out.
Blazing Beam dodge.
Mega Magnetize move away.
Void Barrage dodge.
Foot-Blasters pop mines.
Screw Up move out.
Pyro Party Pack move away.
Beta Launch move to boss.
At inc.
Heroic Changes
Mines now spawn which need to be popped by players.
Mythic Changes
Players are randomly turned red or blue, shuffling periodically. Blue players and red players must not touch.
Mines also spawn and are marked by colors. Don't touch an opposite color mine; it'll wipe the raid.

1. Mine Management

Coordinate the mine pops: avoid having too many players trigger them at the same time to prevent lethal damage and the raid-wide debuff.

Plan a clear order of who will pop each mine. Keep in mind that the same player cannot trigger two mines in a row due to the debuff.

Sonic Ba-Boom

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=465232 - Every so often, the boss casts raid-wide burst damage followed by a DoT.
Heal through.


https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=465917 - Attacks apply a 15% damage taken debuff which also slows by 5%. This stacks.
Swap tanks.

Blisterizer Mk. II

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=471308 - Traps sometimes move along conveyor belts. Touching one knocks you up, applies a DoT, and increases your movement speed by 60% for 6s.

Upgraded Bloodtech

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1218344 - Every intermission, the boss gets a stacking 15% damage increase.
Heal through.

Wire Transfer

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=466235 - The room is split into 4 segments, each divided by conveyor belts. The boss electrifies 2 segments for a period of time, dealing high damage and slowing players. There are 4 patterns before an intermission. The patterns are always the same.
Move out of electricity.

Beta Launch

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=466765 - At 100 energy, Lockenstock knocks players away and the intermission begins. It lasts 20s.
Walk back to the boss.

Bleeding Edge

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=466860 - During the intermission, all players take pulsing raid-wide damage and get healing absorbs. Swirlies fall on the floor, dealing damage and stunning anyone hit. After an intermission, an invention is empowered with void energy. Fire Beams become Void Beams after Intermission 1. Rocket Barrage becomes Void Barrage after Intermission 2.
Dodge, heal through the damage, and use defensives.

Pyro Party Pack

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1214872 - Lockenstock hits his target, and after 6s it explodes. Players farther from the impact take less damage.
Explode out of the raid.

Mega Magnetize

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1215858 - One of the boss' inventions that always comes from the middle conveyor belt. The magnet pulls players in, stunning them for 6s if they touch it.
Don't get sucked in.

Blazing Beam

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1216414 - One of the boss' inventions coming from the left or right conveyor belts. The beams of fire deal massive damage to anyone hit.
Dodge the beams.

Screw Up

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1216508 - Several players are marked and drop circles under their feet for a short time. Drills pop up from the circles. Marked players need to keep walking so they aren't hit. Touching a drill stuns players and applies a DoT.
Keep moving if marked.

Rocket Barrage

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1216525 - One of the boss' inventions coming from the left or right conveyor belts. The cannon shoots multiple rockets that deal massive damage to anyone hit.
Watch out for the rockets.

Jumbo Void Beam

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1216674 - After the 1st intermission, the fire beams are empowered by the void. The beams are now much bigger.
Dodge the beam.

Void Barrage

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1216699 - After the 2nd intermission, rockets are empowered by the void. Rockets become void projectiles. If any player is hit, the whole raid takes additional damage.
Dodge the void projectile.

Polarization Generator

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1216802 - Lockenstock evenly assigns all players one of two colors, red or blue. Periodically, he'll shuffle everyone's colors. Assigned colors are random. Players must avoid coming into contact with opposite-colored players or it will apply a large DoT and knock them back. Mines are also assigned colors. Touching an opposite-colored mine wipes the raid.
Split into color groups, don't touch the opposite.


https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=1217083 - Periodically, a set of 4 mines spawns around the room. Pop a mine by stepping on it. Popping a mine deals raid-wide damage and gives everyone a 450% damage taken debuff for 2s, so don't pop too fast. Detonating a mine deals damage to the player and applies a debuff for 2m, increasing damage taken from it by 1000%. The same player can't pop again while debuffed. Be aware that mines can be triggered by the boss' inventions.
Pop the mines, but not too fast.