Raid Boss
Stix Bunkjunker
One might say that no city service is more important than waste disposal... or at least that’s what Stix Kojenschotter would like you to believe. Stix and his cleanup crew have been coming up with clever ways to get rid of the city’s unwanted and unspeakable refuse for ages.

1. Trash Ball Management
1. Trash Ball Management
Stix Bunkjunker
1. Demolish
2. Meltdown
Rolling Rubbish
Electromagnetic Sorting
Discarded Doomsplosive
Dumpster Dive
Prototype Powercoil
Stix Bunkjunker
1. Rolling Rubbish
2. Incinerator
3. Electromagnetic Sorting
4. Discarded Doomsplosive
5. Dumpster Dive
6. Overdrive
7. Prototype Powercoil