Stix Bunkjunker
Stix Bunkjunker

Raid Boss

Stix Bunkjunker

One might say that no city service is more important than waste disposal... or at least that’s what Stix Kojenschotter would like you to believe. Stix and his cleanup crew have been coming up with clever ways to get rid of the city’s unwanted and unspeakable refuse for ages.

Demolish tank swap.
Meltdown use defensive.
Discarded Doomsplosive roll into bombs.
Rolling Rubbish steer balls.
Incinerator spread.
Overdrive dodge the AoEs.
At inc.
Heroic Changes
Two new types of adds: Territorial Bombshells and Hyenas now spawn.
The Territorial Bombshells are attached to a medium pile of trash until 75% HP.
They also explode and leave a DoT on the raid if they are run over.
Mythic Changes
Scrapmasters channel a lethal oneshot on targets and need to be rolled over to stop it.
Pylons spawn around the room and channel huge damage into players.

1. Trash Ball Management

Identify who has been transformed into a ball and coordinate their movements to maximize waste absorption and damage to the boss.

Make sure to aim at bombs with large-sized balls to prevent the raid from being wiped out.

Demolish - Tankbuster. This deals a massive physical and nature hit and gives the target a debuff, increasing damage taken by 100% for 50s.
Tank swap.

Meltdown - Deals large nature damage, channeled into the current tank.
Use defensive.

Rolling Rubbish - Several players are marked and become a rolling trash ball. Steer the ball over enemies and trash piles to absorb them and increase your size. Larger trash balls can absorb larger objects. The trash ball explodes when rolled into the boss, dealing more damage based on its size. When it explodes, any adds that were rolled over are released nearby and take 100% increased damage. The rolling ball also briefly stuns players who get run over.
Steer the ball, run large balls into the boss.

Incinerator - Several players take fire damage and are marked with a circle, pulsing damage around them for a short time. Standing too close to a trash pile with Incinerator will light the trash on fire, dealing rot damage to the raid. This effect stacks.
Spread out and don't stand near trash piles.

Electromagnetic Sorting - When Stix reaches 100 energy, he pulses raid-wide damage for a short time. New trash piles also spawn in the area, dealing damage and knocking up players who are in range.
Dodge swirlies and heal through.

Discarded Doomsplosive - Large bombs appear with a timer ticking down. Bombs can only be destroyed by rolling into them with a large trash ball. Destroying them deals a small burst of raid damage and destroys the trash ball. Missing a bomb will wipe the raid.
Roll into bombs to destroy them.

Dumpster Dive - The Scrapmaster targets a player and slams down at their location, marked by a green circle. The smash knocks players back and deals damage to anyone inside. They also cast an interruptible ability toward players.
Avoid the marked smash zones.

Overdrive - During this 15s intermission, Stix takes 99% reduced damage and flies into the sky for a short time. Electric bolts rain down, marked by small circles. Deals damage to anyone hit. After a short time, the boss targets a spot and smashes back onto the ground, dealing raid-wide damage and knocking players back. After this intermission, the boss gains a stacking 25% attack speed buff and summons an additional trash bomb.
Dodge the AoEs and prepare for the fight to be harder.

Prototype Powercoil - Pylons spawn around the area and channel massive damage into individual targets. This channel applies a stacking vulnerability debuff to the player with every damage tick.
Use defensives and spot heal.