Raid Boss
Mug'zee, Heads of Security
Mug'Zee’s two heads have been best friends since birth and now sit atop the hulking body of an ogre enforcer. Hired by Gallywix to oversee the casino’s day-to-day operations, Mug'Zee has recently been tasked with keeping everyone away from the innermost halls of Garbagio.
Head Honcho
Double-Minded Fury
Electrocution Matrix
Mug'zee, Heads of Security
1. Bloodlust
2. Head Honcho
3. Moxie
4. Double-Minded Fury
5. Electrocution Matrix
Frostshatter Boots
Stormfury Finger Gun
Molten Gold Knuckles
Unstable Crawler Mines
Spray And Pay
Goblin Guided Rocket
Elemental Carnage
Uncontrolled Destruction
Double Whammy Shot
Earthshatter Gaol
Static Charge
Mug'zee, Heads of Security
1. Frostshatter Boots
2. Stormfury Finger Gun
3. Molten Gold Knuckles
4. Unstable Crawler Mines
5. Spray And Pay
6. Goblin Guided Rocket
7. Elemental Carnage
8. Uncontrolled Destruction
9. Double Whammy Shot
10. Bulletstorm
11. Earthshatter Gaol
12. Static Charge