Council of Dreams
Council of Dreams

Raid Boss

Council of Dreams

The Council of Dreams is steadfast in its duty as protectors. Pip uses deadly tricks to confuse his victims, while Urctos uses brute force to crush his enemies. Aerwynn uses her wisdom and cunning to control the battlefield and guide her fellow council members.

Agonizing Claws mitigate and swap.
Polymorph Bomb eat flowers.
Blind Rage interrupt with duck.
Constricting Thicket interrupt with charge.
Song Of The Dragon stand in flowers.
Emerald Winds heal through and dodge.
Poisonous Javelin spread away and dispel.
Agonizing Claws swap tank and dodge.
Dream Tactics keep flower and duck ready.
Rebirth kill at the same time.
Heroic Changes
Players soaking Urctos' charge become vulnerable to it for 30s. Don't soak two charges in a row.
Urctos' big attack on the tanks is now a frontal cone that must be dodged.
When polymorphed players exit duck form, they turn nearby players into ducks.
Mythic Changes
Ultimates now overlap. You will always have to deal with two different ultimates at the same time.
There are three different ultimate combos that rotate: First Urctos and Aerwynn, then Aerwynn and Pip, and then Pip and Urctos.
Players poisoned by Aerwynn need to move out to get dispelled. Dispelling it now deals massive damage to nearby players.
Pip launches tornadoes around the room while channeling Emerald Winds. Dodge them.

Rebirth - When a boss drops to 1 HP, you have 15s to finish the other two, or they get 30% HP back.Kill all three at the same time.
kill at the same time

Poisonous Javelin - Regularly, Aerwynn launches poisoned spears at players, dealing heavy damage and slowing them.Dispel the poison.

Agonizing Claws - Urctos' big attack on the tank. Deals massive physical damage and increases damage taken from this ability by 500% for 18s.Only Urctos is tanked; the other two jump around the room and target random players.
mitigate and swap

Dream Tactics - On mythic, two ultimates always overlap. There are three possible combos:Urctos and Aerwyn: Turn Urctos into a duck then make him charge Aerwynn.Aerwynn and Pip: Quickly hide in a flower then make Urctos charge Aerwynn.Pip and Urctos: Turn Urctos into a duck then hide in a flower.Always keep one flower up. You might need to keep turning players into ducks to ensure one is available for Urctos' ultimate.
keep flower and duck ready

Polymorph Bomb - Regularly, Pip turns random players into ducks for 12s. They become immune to Nature damage and can eat up to three flowers to cast Preen and then end the polymorph.When players exit duck form, they stun nearby players.Cancels Urctos' ultimate.
eat flowers and exit polymorph away from players. interrupt urctos' ultimate.

Blind Rage - Urctos' ultimate.At 100 energy, Urctos starts a 20s channel that deals massive ramping damage to the raid. If he finishes his channel, he enrages and kills you.Interrupt Urctos' channel by turning him into a duck. Have one player in duck form ready to Preen next to him to stop the channel.
interrupt the channel with the duck preen ability.

Noxious Blossom - Regularly, Aerwynn launches green projectiles in the room that deal damage and spawn permanent flowers.Each flower deals constant raid damage, and standing in them deals massive Nature damage. Remove them by having polymorphed players eat them.Counters Pip's ultimate.
don't stand in flowers. hide in them when pip channels his ultimate.

Barreling Charge - Regularly, Urctos charges far in the direction of the tank, dealing damage to anyone in his path.Urctos then deals a burst of raid damage, reduced by the number of players hit by the charge.Cancels Aerwynn's ultimate.
soak the charge to reduce damage.

Emerald Winds - Pip flaps his wings for 3s, dealing heavy raid-wide damage and pushing players back.Don't get pushed into flowers or polymorphed players.
heal through and dodge the flowers and the ducks.

Song Of The Dragon - Pip's ultimate.At 100 energy, Pip applies an absorb shield to the raid and starts a 12s channel. Stand in a flower until the damage removes the shield.If players still have their shield when the channels finishes, they start dancing and die.
hide in a flower to remove the shield.

Constricting Thicket - Aerwynn's ultimate.At 100 energy, Aerwynn starts an 18s channel that deals raid-wide damage and slows and drags players toward her. If she finishes her channel, she kills you.The tank needs to direct Urctos' charge into her to interrupt her channel.
make urctos charge into aerwynn and soak the charge.