Seed of Renewal
Patch 10.2.5 is a minor patch, so it does not include new raids or seasons. This patch includes new content in the game world, a return to old world content, a new dungeon mode, and more.

- Dragonriding will be available on all Old World continents where it is currently possible to fly normally. Dragon riding in the Old World runs at 85% the speed of dragon riding in the Dragon Isles, but is still significantly faster and more fun than normal flying. In Patch 10.2.5, dragon riding will remain limited to dragonriding mounts, but Blizzard's developers are working hard to adapt as many current flying mounts as possible to dragonriding, or "Dynamic Flying," for the next expansion.
- “Archives of Azeroth” is a new event that includes both solo and group activities, as well as a weekly public event called “The Great Discovery: The Traitor's Rest.” Located in the Traitor's Rest, players will have the chance to interact with a new faction of NPC characters, the [missing faction name], and learn about the history of the Dragon Isles. This event includes exploration and storytelling, as well as rewards including achievements, battle pets, mounts, and transmogrifications.
- Bel'ameth is under construction. The Night Elves finally have a place to call their own, and as with all great things, it will take time to complete. The former Central Camp of Amirdrassil is growing to meet the needs of the Night Elves and will include the city of Bel'amath, the port of Belanaar, the Lodge of Arlithrien, the Twilight Watchtower, and the Sunset Watchtowers. There will also be a number of portals to other Night Elf-connected locations throughout Azeroth, such as Feathermoon Keep in Feralas.