Zskarn, The Vigilant Steward
Zskarn, The Vigilant Steward

Raid Boss

Zskarn, The Vigilant Steward

Long ago, Zskarn was tasked with testing Neltharion's experiments. Only the strongest passed and could live. While the new visitors to the Crucible of Shadows have captured his continued attention, his approval will be much harder to gain.

Searing Claws tank swap.
Dragonfire Traps avoid traps.
Animate Golems cc and kill adds.
Salvage Parts loot golems and disable traps.
Unstable Embers move out.
Elimination Protocol dodge the beams marked by arrows.
Shrapnel Bomb soak bombs with tanks or immunes.
Blast Wave position safely.
Reinforced Defenses kill the golems quickly.
Heroic Changes
Regularly, Zskarn applies a 10s DoT to a few players who are also marked by a circle. They take damage and inflict damage around them.
You can no longer dispell the stacking DoT applied by active traps.
Mythic Changes
When Zskarn casts Tactical Destruction, it will always activate the 3 closest dragon statues.
Golems become immune to crowd controls when they drop below 50% HP or reach 100 energy. Finish them quickly.
Zskarn fires beams toward players with Unstable Embers. Upon expiration, it deals damage to nearby players and anyone in the beam's trajectory.
Getting hit by beams increases by the damage taken from them by 500% for 30s. Dodge them if you're not the target, and don't stack them.

Searing Claws

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=404942 - Zskarn applies a stacking 20s Fire DoT to the current tank.Go soak the bombs while the DoT fades.
tank swap

Reinforced Defenses

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=409462 - Golems become immune to crowd controls when they drop below 50% HP or reach 100 energy.
kill the golems quickly

Blast Wave

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=403978 - Regularly, Zskarn deals a burst of damage to the raid and knocks everyone back. Also applies a 6s DoT to the raid.
don't get knocked into the fire.

Unstable Embers

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=404007 - Regularly, Zskarn applies a 10s DoT to a few players who are also marked by a circle. They take damage and inflict damage to nearby players.
move out if targetted.

Shrapnel Bomb

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=404955 - Regularly, Zskarn drops several bombs in the room. After 30s they explode and kill the raid.Walking over them destroys them, preventing their explosions. Soaking a bomb instead deals massive physical damage to that player.Tanks or players with immunities must soak them.
soak the bombs with tanks or immunities.

Dragonfire Traps

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=405462 - Regularly, Zskarn activates the 2 closest inactive traps and 2 random traps.Active traps create a permanent fire puddle. Sanding in them applies a 6s stacking dispellable DoT.
don't stand in the fire.

Salvage Parts

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=405592 - Dead Golems can be looted once, which grants an extra action button. Use it near an active trap do deactivate it.You can't deactivate all the traps, so choose carefully.
loot dead golems and use extra action button near a trap do deactivate it.

Animate Golems

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=405812 - Regularly, a few golems spawn and try to activate traps. Control them, interrupt their trap activation channel, and kill them.
cc and kill the golems before they activate new traps.

Tactical Destruction

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=406202 - At 100 energy, Zskarn activates the dragon statues closest to him and they emit 3 huge consecutive, expanding explosions.The explosions cover large parts of the room. If you're hit you die.The first time, Zskarn activates only 1 statue, then 2, and then 3.
move away from the statues before they erupt.

Elimination Protocol

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=409942 - When Unstable Embers expires on players, Zskarn fire a beam toward those players. Beams hit any players in the trajectories.Players hit take 500% more damage from beams for 30s. Dodge them if you're not targeted, and do not stack them.Getting hit by more than one or while vulnerable kills you.
dodge the lines aimed at debuffed players.