The Forgotten Experiments
The Forgotten Experiments

Raid Boss

The Forgotten Experiments

The development of the Dracthyr consisted of numerous iterations, some more successful than others. The first versions of the experiment proved far too unstable to destroy. These creations have now been awakened after thousands of years of inactivity and are eager to test their strength against the champions of Azeroth.

Infused Strikes tank swap & clear stacks.
Infused Strikes tank swap & clear stacks.
Infused Strikes tank swap & clear stacks.
Rending Charge move out and dodge.
Bellowing Roar move out.
Unstable Essence dispell as late as possible.
Erratic Burst kill the add.
Erratic Burst kill the add.
Temporal Anomaly bump the ball away.
Disintegrate move out.
Deep Breath dodge twice.
Temporal Fracture don't bump the ball too many times.
Heroic Changes
In P1, the bleeds applied by the charge of Neldris now last 30s, so they can easily stack if charges aren't dodged properly.
In P2, when Unstable Essences applied by Thadrion on players are dispelled, they spawn a remnant that casts explosions until killed.
In P2, when Thadrion channels his Violent Eruption on the raid, any remnant still alive pulses raid damage.
Unstable Essences applied during P2 now persist after Thadrion's death, until the end of the fight.
Mythic Changes
Thadrion joins the fight when Neldris drops to 50% HP. Rionthus joins the fight when Thadrion drops to 50% HP. You'll fight 2 bosses at the same time for much of the encounter.
The bleeds applied by the charges of Neldris now last until the end of the fight.
In P3, kicking the orbs away from Rionthus applies a 20s vulnerability when kicking them. Rotate your goalkeepers!

Violent Eruption - Regularly, Thadrion starts a channel that deals damage to the raid.

Infused Strikes - Similar to P1All 3 bosses melee attacks apply a permanent stacking DoT.Touching another player (usually the other tank) who also has the DoT clears both players and applies everyone a 20s stackable DoT.Don't reset less than 20s apart. If you clear at high stacks, prepare some healing CDs.
tank swap & clear stacks

Erratic Burst - Erratic Remnants spawned from dispelling Unstable Essence cast a long uninterruptable spell which deals a burst of raid-wide damage.
kill the add

Temporal Fracture - Bumping a ball gives the player a 100% vulnerability for 20s.
don't bump the ball too many times

Massive Slam - Massive frontal cone toward a random player.
dodge the frontal cone.

Bellowing Roar - Neldris roars and deals damage to the raid; the damage is reduced the farther away players are.
move out to reduce damage.

Unstable Essence - Regularly, Thadrion applies a permanent DoT on players that constantly stacks. Dispelling it makes it jump to a new player and resets stacks.Dispelled players drop a circle that explodes a few seconds later.You'll deal with more DoTs throughout P2. They disappear when Thadrion dies.
use defensives and hold dispels as late as possible.

Disintegrate - Regularly, Rionthus channels a beam on a few players that deals damage. They are then marked with a circle, slowing them and dealing damage to anyone nearby.
move circles out of the raid.

Volatile Spew - Thadrion launches projectiles in the room. Dodge them.
dodge the swirls.

Deep Breath - Rionthus goes to the edge of the room and flies in a straight line lengthwise across the room twice, dealing massive damage to any players hit. There are 3 possible lanes Rionthus may fly over. He will favor the lane where most players are.
watch where the boss will fly and dodge.

Rending Charge - Neldris marks a few players and then dashes through them, dealing damage and applying a 15s bleed to them and any players in his trajectory.
move out if marked. don't stand in the path of the boss.

Temporal Anomaly - Regularly, Rionthus spawns a ball that slowly moves toward him. If it reaches him, he gets a 10% health absorb shield. Players can bump into the balls to knock them away, which deals some damage to players.
bump the balls before they reach the boss.