
Raid Boss


The Primalists attempted to lure Terros, a relentless creature of destruction, from the Elemental Plane. But their ritual was interrupted. Trapped between two worlds, this enormous and terrifying figure now seeks to break free and wipe out everything that stands in its way.

Seismic Assault heal through.
Tectonic Barrage always be tanking.
Infused Fallout meet an ally to dispel.
Rock Blast group soak.
Rock Blast group soak.
Awakened Earth group the pillars.
Heroic Changes
From now on, rubbles that spawn from the soak and the boss' cone also leave behind a pool, making the space management a little more critical.
Mythic Changes
A new DoT afflicts all players. Players must stack to remove it, inflicting damage proportional to the amount of players stacking. You will have to be smart about removing your DoT.
Upon removal of the Mythic DoT, a pillar will spawn from the ground and must be dodged.
The group soak now inflicts damage to all players. Because of this, the whole raid must soak to limit the damage.

Frenzied Devastation

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=377507 - After 4 100% energy big cones, the room is inevitably filled with puddles and the boss enrages, doing ever-increasing ticking damage.
moar dps

Seismic Assault

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=381576 - Pillars explode when destroyed, dealing a burst of damage and an additional DoT for 10s.
heal through

Resonant Aftermath

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=382458 - Some mechanics leave behind pools which deal damage when standing in them.

Tectonic Barrage

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=388393 - If no target is found in melee, Terros pulses massive raid damage.
always be tanking

Concussive Slam

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=376279 - Beam on the tank that destroys any pillars hit. Players hit get a stackable 40% damage vulnerability for 45s. Tank swap mechanic.
aim the beam at pillars. the raid dodges the beam.

Resonating Annihilation

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=377166 - At 100 energy, the boss smashes in a cone. Pillars hit are destroyed. Pools are left behind.Rotate counter clockwise to stay together. Use movement abilities and gateways.
when boss reaches 100 energy, use movement abilities or gateway to avoid the smash.

Fractured Rubble

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=378861 - After Shattering Impact and the boss' 100% energy cone, swirls mark areas where rocks will fall. Players hit will take damage.
dodge second waves of projectiles. try to bait them far on heroic.

Rock Blast

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=380487 - Meteor-like ability on a random player— soak to split damage or the target gets one-shot.Leaves a pool at the same location that will explode a few seconds after, dealing massive damage and knocking players upwards. Get out of it.
get inside of the marked zone to split the damage. then move out of the second explosion.

Awakened Earth

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=381315 - Some players get a 5s debuff that will spawn pillars. These players should form a line so the pillars can be destroyed with a beam the boss does later.Pillar spawns knock up and deal damage. Active pillars radiate damage.
debuffed players should group together and form a line with the pillars.

Shattering Impact

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=383073 - Marks an area with a circle. Explodes and kills players inside. A second wave of rubble will fall immediately after.
move out of the impact area. watch out for a second wave of dodging.

Infused Fallout

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=396351 - Players receive a DoT. They can clear it it by touching another player which triggers an explosion.For each DoT dispelled in the process, the damage of the explosion is increased. Try to avoid grouping more than 4 players.Right after the explosion, a pillar will also rise from the ground, knocking up any player it hits. The damage is likely to kill you.
stack with other players to lose your dot. do not stack with more than 4. dodge the pillar after.