Raid Boss
Sennarth, Kurog Grimtotem's most fearsome creation, is a giant spider imbued with merciless cold. Their sole raison d'être is to guard their brood of thousands, waiting for the day when they hatch and blanket Azeroth in a web of winter.
Icy Ground
Pervasive Cold
Chilling Aura
Web Blast
Sennarth, the Cold Breath
1. Icy Ground
2. Pervasive Cold
3. Permafrost
4. Chilling Aura
5. Web Blast
Chilling Blast
Repelling Burst
Caustic Eruption
Enveloping Webs
Breath of Ice
Suffocating Webs
Gossamer Burst
Freezing Breath
Gusting Rime
Sennarth, the Cold Breath
1. Chilling Blast
2. Repelling Burst
3. Caustic Eruption
4. Enveloping Webs
5. Breath of Ice
6. Suffocating Webs
7. Gossamer Burst
8. Freezing Breath
9. Gusting Rime