
Raid Boss


Threaded Blast swap tank if needed.
Continuum heal through.
Viridian Rain heal through.
Unravel heal through.
Verdant Matrix don't cross lines.
Ephemeral Flora group soak.
Weaver's Burden move away.
Inflorescence walk over grass to cross lines.
Full Bloom tanks get hit and go kill adds.
Lucid Miasma kill new add in bubble.
Verdant Rend don't move the adds.
Heroic Changes
The bomb applied to the tank is now also applied to a few additional players.
When they explode, players leave an impassable circle that lasts until the next P1.
The P2 adds now spawn the same flowers that appeared in P1. Soak circles to make them disappear quickly.
Mythic Changes
In P1, a new type of flower spawns that also needs to be soaked quickly or it kills the raid.
In P1 and P2, all flowers explode when they expire or are fully soaked, so get away. Inflorescence now lasts 2s.
In P2, a new third add spawns opposite of Nymue. Players can only attack it while inside its barrier. It doesn't need to be tanked.
In P2, you'll need to set up multiple balanced groups for each add. Each player can only kill the mythic add once.
In P2, you must kill the two tree adds roughly at the same time or you die. The mythic add needs to die within 30s.


https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=420846 - At the start of each P1, Nymue draws new lines across the floor and deals heavy raid-wide damage over 10s.While Nymue redraws them, there are no lines in the room. Take advantage of this time to reposition yourself.
heal through

Viridian Rain

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=420907 - Regularly, Nymue channels rain in the room for 6s, dealing heavy raid-wide damage.
heal through


https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=421368 - While the tree adds live, Nymue deals ramping raid-wide damage every 3s.Kill the adds before the damage kills you.
heal through

Verdant Rend

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=423842 - If a tree add crosses a line, the raid takes massive damage and damage taken doubles every time.
don't move the adds

Threaded Blast

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=426154 - Nymue doesn't have auto-attacks, but casts bolts of Physical and Nature damage on the tank.Swap when the tank moves away to explode with their bomb.
swap tank if needed

Verdant Matrix

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=418423 - Glowing lines divide up the floor. Players who cross them get a stackable 2s DoT.Cross only when necessary: to soak a flower or to dodge lines.Nymue redraws a new pattern at the beginning of each P1.
cross the lines only when necessary.


https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=423195 - When the tank with the bomb explodes, they get a 4s buff that leaves grass in their path.The grass allows them and other players to cross the lines without taking damage. Grass disappears quickly.
use grass to cross lines safely and come back.

Surging Growth

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=425357 - Flowers frequently spawn around the room and deal passive raid damage.They each last one minute, but players can soak them to make them despawn faster. The more player, the quicker it disappears.There are more and more flowers as the fight goes on. Soak them as they spawn or you will get overwhelmed.
soak the flowers to reduce damage

Radial Flourish

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=425370 - Regularly, the tree adds create patterns of explosions around them that deal massive damage. Dodge them.
dodge the lines of small explosions.

Full Bloom

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=426855 - At the start of the intermission, Nymue casts a lethal explosion around them that summons two tree adds. Nymue becomes invulnerable.Both tanks need to get hit by that explosion, as it grants them inflorescence, allowing the raid to safely travel to their adds.Split your raid in half. Each group follows their tank across the the lines to get to their adds. When both adds are dead, P1 starts again.
tanks get hit by the boss' explosion. divide raid into 2. each half follows their tank and kills their add.

Weaver's Burden

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=427722 - Regularly, Nymue plants a bomb on the tank that explodes six seconds later, applying a 12s DoT to the tank and nearby players.After exploding, the tank gets inflorescence, a short buff that allows them to cross the lines without taking damage.
move out before the bomb explodes. you can cross lines to come back.

Lucid Miasma

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=428012 - The mythic add is hidden inside a barrier and doesn't need a tank. Only players within the barrier can attack the add. You have 30s to kill it or it explodes and wipes the raid.It just casts cones that deal heavy damage. Dodge them.Each player can only go kill the mythic add once. You'll need to set up different groups for the three P2.One player per group needs to get hit by Full Bloom to create a passage for their group to the mythic add.
set up groups. quickly kill ghost add in the barrier when it's your turn. dodge the cones.

Lumbering Slam

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=429108 - Regularly, the tree adds turn toward someone and deal heavy damage in a cone. Dodge it.
dodge the cones

Impending Loom

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=429785 - A row of orbs sit in front of Nymue. They frequently spawn green threads that travel across the room.Players who are hit by moving threads are stunned for 3s and take massive damage. Dodge them.
dodge the threads

Ephemeral Flora

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=430563 - A new type of flower regularly spawns. They are marked by an orange circle. They explode after 10s and kill the raid.They need to be soaked quickly to be removed. The more players soak them, the quicker they disappear.When the flower disappears, it explodes a few seconds later, dealing massive damage to nearby players.
groups of players need to soak flowers quickly.