Guide to Maximizing Reputation with the Cartels of Undermine

Guide to Maximizing Reputation with the Cartels of Undermine

This guide will help you maximize reputation gains and quickly reach renown with the Cartels of Undermine faction during the first three weeks of Patch 11.1.

Overview of Reputation Sources

Reputation gains are divided into two categories:
  • One-Time Sources: Main storyline quests, side quests, dungeon quests, and delve quests.
  • Weekly/Daily Sources: These reset on a weekly or daily basis and include world quests, weekly quests, rares, and special events.
Gaining 2,500 reputation grants 1 renown level. There are 20 renown levels in total.

One-Time Reputation Sources

Main Storyline Quests
The main storyline consists of 6 chapters, released over three weeks:
  1. Chapter 1: Trust Issues
  2. Chapter 2: Undermine Awaits
  3. Chapter 3: Uncovering the Truth
  4. Chapter 4: Breaking the Shackles
  5. Chapter 5: Ignite the Fuel of Change
  6. Chapter 6: Homecoming

Side Quests
Side quests unlock progressively as you advance through the chapters.

Chapters 1-2

  • The Verdigrease Knight - 100 reputation
  • Sanity's Rest - 100 reputation
  • Property Devalued - 100 reputation
  • The Crew - 100 reputation
  • Total: 800 reputation

Chapter 4

  • Working For G.E.T.A - 100 reputation
  • Oh Rats! - 100 reputation
  • Caustic Collectables - 100 reputation
  • Garbage Day - 200 reputation
  • Help Wanted: Kaja Curiosity - 200 reputation
  • Total: 700 reputation
Total Side Quest Reputation: 1,500 reputation
Delve & Dungeon Quests
NPC: Paks Topskimmer - Location: The Intercontinental Hotel, Undermine
  • Delve: Side of Madness - 500 reputation
  • Delve: The Sluice Contains the Juice - 500 reputation
  • Dungeon Quest: Operation: Floodgate - 500 reputation
Total: 1,500 reputation

Weekly Reputation Sources

Here are the weekly activities available:

Total Reputation & Renown Calculations

1 renown level = 2,500 reputation.

Final Notes
  • By the end of week 3, you will reach renown 15 (38,170 reputation).
  • Confirming Chapter 3-4 reputation fix (PTR Bug).
  • These numbers do not include contract reputation bonuses or other additional sources.
