
Raid Boss


Once the loyal protector of the Emerald Dream, this majestic ancient has been ravaged by the Flame and now seeks only destruction.

Dreadfire Barrage mitigate and swap tank.
Tortured Scream heal through.
Flaming Sap spread and interrupt.
Doom Roots dodge.
Ember-Charred destroy the roots.
Doom Cultivation kill remaning adds.
Toxic Loam don't walk under the boss.
Uprooted Agony use offensive cooldown.
Heroic Changes
Adds no longer spawn automatically. Controlled Burn is now used to activate them.
During intermission, players need to soak projectiles on the ground to then be set on fire and burn the roots.
Mythic Changes
Gnarlroot summons two treants with each wave of adds. Treants force players to spread and they must be interrupted. Kill them.
Gnarlroot builds more roots during the intermission and missing soaks deals heavy raid damage.

Doom Cultivation - At the start of the intermission, Gnarlroot goes to the center of the room, becomes immune, and builds walls of roots.Gnarlroot deals increasing raid damage until all roots are burned.
kill remaning adds

Uprooted Agony - Once all roots are destroyed, Gnarlroot takes 100% increased damage and deals massive raid-wide damage for 20s.After each intermission, Gnarlroot gains a 10% damage increase buff that stacks. 
use offensive cooldown

Toxic Loam - Passing through Gnarlroot will kill you.
don't walk under the boss

Ember-Charred - Gnarlroot makes all players explode and then sets them on fire.Spread around the room and touch the roots to burn and destroy them.
wait for boss to set you on fire then touch roots to destroy them.

Flaming Pestilence - Regularly, Gnarlroot creates lines of explosions. They deal damage to players and spawn Tainted Lashers.Kill the lashers as they spawn. Let the tanks build aggro before nuking them.
dodge and kill adds

Controlled Burn - Regularly, Gnarlroot marks a few players with a circle. This deals damage to nearby players, and after 6s, players drop a fire pool.Pools remain until intermission. Drop them away from the raid.
spread from the raid to drop your fire pool.

Tortured Scream - Regularly, Gnarlroot roars, dealing a burst of raid damage and applying a 10s DoT.
heal through the raid damage

Shadowflame Cleave - Regularly, Gnarlroot turns toward a random player and casts a fire cone. Dodge it.
dodge the cone

Dreadfire Barrage - Deals Physical and Shadow damage over 2s to the active tank.Each hit applies a stacking 24% Shadowflame vulnerability.
swap at x stacks

Doom Roots - Gnarlroot builds walls of roots in the room, knocking back and dealing damage to anyone standing where they spawn.Intermission ends once they are all destroyed.
spread around the room

Flaming Sap - On mythic, Gnarlroot summons two additional treants when he spawns lashers.Treants debuff several players, slowing them and dealing damage to players within 5 yds.They also cast an interruptible ability that disorients nearby players. Interrupt them.
spread away from players and interrupt the treants.