Echo of Neltharion
Echo of Neltharion

Raid Boss

Echo of Neltharion

The Sanctuary of Neltharion, hidden deep within the Crucible of Shadows, was a place of refuge and research for the Guardian of Earth. Some say the shadows of its powerful presence still haunt the area, pondering the future of the black dragonflight and the measures needed to ensure its success.

Calamitous Strike break wall and tank swap.
Sunder Shadow break walls and tank swap.
Calamitous Strike don't break walls and tank swap.
Shatter destroy strict minimum of walls.
Rushing Darkness break walls if needed.
Corruption attack adds, don't kill allies.
Rushing Darkness break walls.
Shadow Barrier focus on killing adds.
Ruptured Veil kill adds.
Sunder Reality focus boss and cleave adds.
Ebon Destruction stand in portals.
Rushing Darkness don't break walls.
Sundered Reality don't slack in portals.
Unstable Mutation kill adds asap.
Heroic Changes
In P2, the 3 adds are invulnerable until their shield is broken by players with Corruption. Other players cannot attack them until then.
At the start of P2 and throughout the phase, a few players get Corruption. They are hostile but can hit the adds. Breaking the add's shield removes Corruption and allows everyone to hit them.
In P3, the small adds from the portals deal increasing damage.
Mythic Changes
Breaking walls deals a lot more damage. Only destroy one wall section each time you need to break walls.
In P1 and P2, the bombs are now huge AoEs. You can't place most of them in a single section of the room without hitting everyone else.
You'll often want to break one wall to have more space to deal with the bombs and allow 2 or 3 players to go explode in another section.
In P3, only one player can hide in each portal to survive Ebon Destruction.

Shatter - Breaking a wall segment deals damage to the player who breaks it and applies a raid-wide stackable DoT (one stack per wall section destroyed).Only break walls when needed and break as few as possible to minimize damage on the raid.Breaking walls causes rocks to fall.
destroy strict minimum of walls

Shadow Barrier - If the boss hits 35% before the 3 adds die, he gets a 99% damage reduction shield.
focus on killing adds

Sundered Reality - Players standing in portals take ticking damage and deal 99% less damage.Hide in portals ONLY when Neltharion casts Ebon Destruction.
don't slack in portals

Ruptured Veil - Voices from Beyond adds deal ticking raid damage when their shield breaks until they're killed.Kill the adds one by one.
kill adds

Unstable Mutation - Every 2s, adds from the portals get a stackable 75% damage increase buff.
kill adds asap

Calamitous Strike - Similar to P1Large hit of physical damage and a knockback on the tank. Getting knocked into a wall breaks the wall segment.Applies a 200% vulnerability for 40s.In P3, don't break walls.
try to not break any walls.

Shattered Rock - Multiple abilities throughout the fight cause rocks to fall in the room.They deal damage to any player hit. Dodge them.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">dodge the falling rocks.</span>

Echoing Fissure - The boss marks a circle and drops a big lava pool. Get out of them.Lava pools are roughly the size of a room section. Move to a new section by breaking walls.
don't stand in the circle or the lava. change sections of the room and dodge falling rocks.

Twisted Earth - At the start of P3, Neltharion destroys all walls in the room and builds a new configuration of walls for P3.You DO NOT want to break walls in P3.Stay together to avoid getting cut off by the new walls.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); --darkreader-inline-color: #e8e6e3;" data-darkreader-inline-color="">stay grouped up and</span> <span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); --darkreader-inline-color: #e8e6e3;" data-darkreader-inline-color="">dodge the forming walls.</span>

Surrender to Corruption - Long cast at the start of P2. Summons 3 Voice from Beyond adds in 3 sections of the room.Break the walls to reach them and kill them before Umbral Annihilation wipes you.
break the shield of all 3 adds and kill them.

Sunder Reality - Regularly, Neltharion destroys wall segments and turn them into portals, dealing damage to nearby players.Portals continually spawn Twisted Aberration adds. At some point there won't be any walls left.
dont destroy walls and move away from transforming walls.

Umbral Annihilation - Regularly, Neltharion deals a burst of raid-wide damage. Damage doubles every time.After a few casts it will wipe the raid. Quickly kill the 3 adds before that.
quickly kill the adds. use defensives for later annihilations.

Rushing Darkness - Similar to P1 and P2Marks a few players with arrows, then knocks them backward. Getting knocked into a wall destroys it.Anyone between marked players and the boss will take damage and get silenced.In P3, don't break walls.
if targetted, try to not break any walls.

Sunder Shadow - Neltharion splits the tank's shadow from its body. The tank controls its shadow and can cross walls.Shortly after, the boss strikes the body again, sending it back to the shadow, breaking any walls in-between.Applies the tank a 40s 300% vulnerability to this ability.Break walls only to reach the next add.
move behind a wall to break it. tank swap.

Ebon Destruction - Regularly, Neltharion casts a lethal burst of raid damage and a DoT.Players must stand in a portal to survive the burst. Portals that protected players disappear after the cast.You need to get rid of portals to not get overwhelmed by the adds.At some point, there won't be any portals left.
hide in portals to survive.

Volcanic Heart - Similar to P1Bombs on a few players. They explode after 7s, dealing damage and applying a stackable DoT to nearby players.
players with bombs move away from other players.

Corruption - Debuff on a few players at the start of P2 and then regularly. Only these players can see and attack the Voice from Beyond adds for 30s. Corrupted players are hostile to other players.Destroying the small shield on each add allows everyone to attack it and removes Corruption. Kill the 3 adds before Umbral Annihilation wipes you.
debuffed players attack the adds. don't kill your allies.