
Raid Boss


Broodkeeper Diurna is the fierce guardian of the Primalist clutch. She dedicates her considerable strength to protecting the unhatched and seeks revenge for their terrible loss.

Mortal Stoneclaws use mititgation to survive.
Mortal Stoneclaws mitigate and swap tank.
Storm Fissure don't stand in aoe.
Rapid Incubation destroy hatching eggs to avoid more adds.
Greatstaff's Wrath destroy eggs, hatching eggs in priority.
Wildfire dodge.
Broodkeeper's Bond: Add Buff keep the adds far away from the boss.
Diurna's Gaze watch out.
Icy Shroud quickly heal or dispell the raid.
Detonating Stoneslam big damages on the tank.
Empowered Greatstaff's Wrath kite the beam into remaining eggs.
Storm Fissure don't stand in aoe.
Wildfire dodge.
Frozen Shroud quickly heal or dispell the raid.
Heroic Changes
In P1, breaking an egg inflicts a burst of damage to the raid and applies a 10 second 200% vulnerability to this burst. Don't burst more than 3 eggs at a time.
In P1, the Wildfire debuff on players now also gives stacks to nearby players. Make sure to spread! In P2 she casts 2 Wildfires back to back, dodge twice.
Most adds gain an extra ability. You can read through them below.
Mythic Changes
Wildfire now also launches small projectiles around the point of impact. Dodge those as well.
Diurna regularly fills ALL the trajectories of all the beams used to destroy eggs with lethal lighthning. Don't stand in it.
Hatched eggs by Rapid Incubation now spawns one add from the regular waves instead of a baby dragon that does nothing. The color of the egg determines which add it is. Don't let them hatch, or it's a wipe.
Every 7s spent in Diurna's range, your damage vulnerability increases by 1%. The group that stays on Diurna for the whole of P1 will take more and more damages during P1.
P2: The boss now applies a bomb on the tank that needs to be soaked when it expires. With the recent nerfs, tanks can solo soak them with an external defensive CD.

Broodkeeper's Bond: Add Buff

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375809 - The boss has a 50yd aura which buffs the damage of nearby adds by 50%, gives them a 25% damage reduction, and heals them. Keep the boss and the adds far away from each other.Split your raid into 2 groups. 1 tank, a few healers, and dps deal with the boss and destroy the eggs. The other half deals with the regular groups of adds that spawn in corners of the room.
keep the adds far away from the boss

Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375842 - When Diurna plants her staff into the ground, after each Rapid incubation, the staff deals pulsing raid damage.
heal through

Mortal Stoneclaws

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375870 - Massive tank hit. Gives the target a DoT and 65% Mortal Strike debuff.During P2, this ability is cast twice as often, and the MS debuff duration is doubled.
mitigate and swap tank

Broodkeeper's Fury

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375879 - Damage dealt by the boss increases by 15%, stacking every 30s.
kill fast

Empowered Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=380176 - When Diurna plants her staff into the ground, the staff deals massive pulsing raid damage.
heal through

Icy Shroud

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=388716 - The raid takes a burst of damage, a 30% snare, and a large dispellable heal absorption shield.
quickly heal or dispell the raid

Diurna's Gaze

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=390561 - Players within 50yd of the boss take 10% more damage. Players more than 50yd away from the boss move 15% faster.
watch out

Chilling Tantrum

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375457 - Cast by the Juvenile Frost Proto-Dragon (different from the baby dragon spawned from hatched eggs).Deals damage every 1s for 6s to players within 50yd and slows them by 10%.
baby dragon going crazy is okay. it just deals damage and slows.

Flame Sentry

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375575 - Cast by the Dragonspawn Flamebenderspawns a rotating beam at multiple players' feet that deals damage to anyone hit.
the turning fire beam is obviously not a buff.

Ionizing Charge

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375630 - Cast by the Drakonid StormbringerSeveral players are marked and deal pulsing damage around them for 8s.
spread when targeted by the debuff.


https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=375871 - Targets all players feet with a swirl and gives everyone a DoT. The swirl will explode after a delay.
dodge the swirls. on heroic, spread out before.

Rapid Incubation

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=376073 - Regularly, the 2 eggs closest to the boss are marked and will hatch after 15s if not destroyed. This spawns a Nascent Proto-Dragon that just auto-attacks its target.Destroy the hatching eggs to avoid dealing with this add.This add is different from the others that spawn regularly in waves.
locate and destroy the hatching eggs to avoid dealing with additional adds.

Empowered Greatstaff's Wrath

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=380483 - Regularly, Diurna plants her staff into the ground and gains 2 stacks of a 30% damage increase buff.Multiple players will be automatically targetted by a beam that follows them, dealing damage to anyone hit and destroying any eggs in its path. The stacks are then removed.
kite the beams into the remaining eggs or away from allies.

Frozen Shroud

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=388918 - The raid takes a burst of damage, a root, and a large dispellable heal absorption shield.Healing or dispelling the heal absorption removes the ice. Destroying the ice removes the heal absorption.
heal, damage, dispell the absorption shield to prevent more damages and remove root.

Greatstaff's Wrath

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=390710 - After each Rapid Incubation, Diurna plants her staff into the ground and gains 1 stack of a 10% damage done buff.Players can use an extra action button when next to the staff on the ground. Using the button will cause a beam to follow that player, dealing damage to anyone hit and destroying any eggs in its path. 1 stack is removed on the boss per use.
use the button to destroy eggs with the beams. priority on hatching eggs.

Detonating Stoneslam

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=396264 - Diurna now also leaves a bomb on the tank when she uses Mortal Stoneslam. Upon expiration, the bomb inflicts damage split evenly between all players in it.With the recent nerfs, tanks can solo soak the explosion. Use an external CD to help them if need be.
tank solo soak the explosion. use an external cd to help them if need be.

Storm Fissure

https://www.wowhead.com/en/spell=396649 - The beam created from Diurna's staff in P2 will also leave an AoE behind.
don't stand in the aoe left behind the staff's beam