

Sikran established himself as an arrogant duelist within Queen Ansurek's court. Never knowing the cut of an enemy's blade, Sikran dispatched his rivals one by one and was proclaimed Captain of the Sureki by the queen herself. This indomitable fighter now ensures that any who threaten his queen fall before the throne's might.

Captain's Flourish swap tank before phase lunge.
Phase Blades move to the edges.
Decimate destroy clones.
Cosmic Residue move out of puddles.
To be thrown at the boss's engagement.
Heroic Changes
When Sikran dashes through targeted players, any additional players hit also drop a ghost.
More ghosts mean more raid damage. Do not get hit if you're not targeted.
The puddles left by the ghosts' destruction are permanent. Space on the platform is limited.
Position yourselves to spawn the ghosts close to previous puddles on the edges of the platform.
Mythic Changes
Ghosts must be placed at least 8yd apart from one another or they explode and kill the raid.

Captain's Flourish - Sikran casts 2 Exposes in a row, dealing heavy Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken.He concludes with a Phase Lunge, dealing heavy Magic and Physical damage, and rendering the tank vulnerable to Phase Lunge for 30s.Swap tank before each Phase Lunge.
swap tank before phase lunge

Cosmic Residue - Ghosts leave behind a puddle when they are destroyed. Puddles persist 3min, deal heavy damage, and slow players.Drop your ghosts on the edges, close to each other, and near previous puddles to save space.
move out of puddles

Phase Blades - Sikran targets players and dashes through them, dealing heavy damage and applying a 20s DoT that reduces healing. If you're not targeted, dodge!Targeted players drop ghosts that deal constant raid damage. These ghosts cannot be attacked.Move to the edge of the platform, drop ghosts close to each other without stacking, and drop them near previous ghosts for easier destruction.
if targeted move together to the edges of platform, otherwise dodge.

Rain of Arrows - Swirlies that deal damage if you stand in them.
dodge the arrows

Decimate - After dashing, the boss shoots beams at a few players, dealing heavy damage and destroying all ghosts hit.Destroyed ghosts apply a stacking DoT to the raid. Destroy ghosts as they spawn. If you don't destroy enough of them, the next ability will kill the raid.Destroyed ghosts also leave behind a puddle that lasts 3min.
hit ghosts with the beam. otherwise dodge.

Oscurità Coagulata - L'Ombra Animata spruzza poltiglia ombrosa sul bersaglio, infliggendo 900978 danni da ombra.

Shattering Sweep - Every 2 sets of ghosts and beams, Sikran launches a sweeping attack that deals massive raid damage reduced by distance.Players within 15yd of the boss are knocked back and take 50% extra damage for 20s.He also destroys ALL remaining ghosts and increases damage taken from their stacking DoT by 25%. If you haven't destroyed enough with the beams, the raid dies.
run away from boss and use defensive.