Radiant Echo Event

Radiant Echo Event

On the first alpha build of The War Within, we were able to take a look at the pre-patch event for the first expansion of the Worldsoul Saga, Radiant Echos! This event will have you revisit old zones in Azeroth and face memories and enemies of the past. Check out all currently known details in this post!

How does it Work

You can participate in a memory event every hour, in one of the following three zones:
  • Searing Gorge
  • Dustwallow Marsh
  • Dragonblight
In the lower center of Dalaran (new Dalaran), there is a portal that allows you to access each of these three zones. The active portal will be marked more clearly.
You can also check the world map for which of zones that event takes place. 

The event has 3 Stages

Phase 1 - Confront the Frozen Memories

In this section of the game, you will find yourself battling a series of enemies in a designated area. Prepare to defeat these opponents to advance to the next challenge.

Stage 2 - Defeat the Gathered Memories

In this stage of the game, you will need to complete objectives in six different areas. You can see the progress if they are completed or not as well by looking at the memory orbs showing on your UI. 

Stage 3 - Defeat the Boss that Spawns.

  • In Searing Gorge, Ragnaros will be the boss.
  • In Dustwallow Marsh, Onyxia will be the boss.
  • In Dragonblight, Lich King will be the boss.

02/08/2024: Once the event phases are completed, they will restart in the same area until the scheduled end time to give everyone the opportunity to complete them.


What are the Rewards?

There is a vendor at each of the event locations.

Here’s what this event offers from the vendors:

- A Lifeless Stone Ring, that become a heirloom.
- A 32-slot warband-bound bag;
- A 30-slot warband-bound reagent bag;
- 3 battle pets - a whelp, a ghoul, and a kobold with the same effect as the Radiant Echo NPCs;
- A full set of level 489 Champion gear, 1/8 - equivalent to Normal mode raid gear in Dragonflight Season 4. This gear has a similar appearance to the Voidbound gear extracted from some previous updates.
- Mounts inspired by the base mounts of each faction.

How to Farm Residual Memories?

Residual Memories can be sent to alternate characters, so you can accumulate them and send them to another one of your characters.
This currency is obtained by participating in events. Here is a list of how much you can get from different sources:

Update 02/08/2024

  • Completing smaller objectives in the Radiant Echoes event now awards 200x Residual Memories, up from 100. With the upcoming changes to the event, you will also complete more smaller objectives as you clear the way for the final Remembered Boss. 
  • Killing the Remembered Boss now awards 1400x Residual Memories per kill, up from 500. In addition to this, the Remembered Boss also drops 2-5x Drake's Awakened Crest per kill. According to the testing on the PTR, these drops are NOT daily locked!
  • The weekly quests (that will be turned into warband-bound daily quests after the changes go live) - Broken Masquerade, Champion of the Waterlords, Only Darkness, now award 3000x Residual Memories, up from 1500.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can participate in a remembrance event every 1 hours in one of the following three zones:

  • Searing Gorge
  • Dustwallow Marsh
  • Dragonblight
In the lower center of Dalaran (new Dalaran), there is a portal that allows you to access each of these three zones. The active portal will be more prominently marked. You can also check the world map to know which zone the event is taking place in.

The event has 3 stages.

  • Stage 1 - Face the Frozen Memories: In this section of the game, you will find yourself battling a series of enemies in a specific area. Prepare to defeat these opponents to advance to the next challenge.
  • Stage 2 - Defeat the Gathered Memories: In this stage of the game, you will need to complete objectives in six different areas. You can also see if progress has been made by observing the memory spheres displayed on your user interface.
  • Stage 3 - Defeat the boss that appears:
  • In Searing Gorge, Ragnaros will be the boss.
  • In Dustwallow Marsh, Onyxia will be the boss.
  • In Dragonblight, the boss will be Lich King.

There is a vendor in each event location, but currently, the items from this vendor do not have a currency cost. The currency for this event is called Residual Memories. Here is what this event offers from vendors:

  • A Lifeless Stone Ring, currently unknown purpose;
  • A 32-slot warband-bound bag;
  • A 30-slot warband-bound reagent bag;
  • 3 battle pets - A whelp, a ghoul, and a kobold with the same effect as Radiant Echo NPCs;
  • A full set of Champion gear level 489, 1/8 - Equivalent to Normal mode raid gear in Dragonflight Season 4. This gear looks similar to the Void-Bound gear from some previous updates;
  • Mounts inspired by the basic ones of each faction.

Residual Memories can be sent to alt characters, so you can accumulate and send them to another of your characters. This currency is obtained by participating in events. Here's a list of how much you can get from different sources:

  • Weekly Quest: Each zone will have a weekly quest to kill the boss of that zone. Each weekly quest rewards 1500 Residual Memories. There are 3 zones, which means 3 weekly quests totaling 4500 per week per character. The same quest can be completed on more than one character per week.
  • Elite: Elite mobs in the area give 5 Residual Memories when killed.
  • Non-Elite: Non-elite mobs in the area give 1 Residual Memory when killed.
  • Objective: Completing an objective gives 10 Residual Memories upon completion.
  • Killing the Boss: Completing the final wave (killing the boss) gives 500 Residual Memories.

While waiting for the next event to start, you can eliminate some of the enemies in the zone. You will find marked areas in the zones where killed enemies will provide you with Residual Memories.