Raid Boss
Although Neltharion did not use elementium armor until much later, he experimented with it in the early days of Aberrus. The fusion of Elementium and Shadow Flame created Kazzara, who was deemed too unstable to release. The excruciating pain of her elementium armor has driven her mad, and she now serves as guardian of the Crucible of Shadows.
Terror Claws
Relentless Torment
Kazzara, the Hellforged
1. Terror Claws
2. Relentless Torment
Hellsteel Carnage
Wings of Extinction
Revenant's Blood
Rays of Anguish
Dread Rifts
Infernal Fusion
Kazzara, the Hellforged
1. Hellbeam
2. Hellsteel Carnage
3. Wings of Extinction
4. Revenant's Blood
5. Rays of Anguish
6. Dread Rifts
7. Infernal Fusion