
Raid Boss


Eranog, commander of the Primalist forces, ruthlessly seizes power. With the release of the Incarnations imminent, Colorog gathers his entire army and does not hesitate to sacrifice his devoted followers to achieve victory.

Burning Wound tank swap at 2 stacks.
Incinerating Roar heal through.
Pulsing Flames heal through.
Greater Flamerift kill the add.
Incinerating Roar dodge and heal.
Flamerift move debuffs out.
Army of Flame kill one add to cross through.
Army of Flame find the safe spot.
Heroic Changes
The fight is the same on Normal and Heroic, but everything hits harder and has more HP.
Mythic Changes
The boss also spawns an add on the tank when he casts Flamerift. The add must be dealt with and interrupted.
In the intermission, a second ring of adds will spawn from the center of the room. You must open a hole in both rings to survive.

Pulsing Flames - Players will take DoT damage while the ring of adds is active.
heal through

Burning Wound - The active tank gets a stacking 14s DoT.
tank swap at 2 stacks

Molten Spikes - !!! OLD VERSION, NEW ONE IS A VIDEO !!!!Pillars spawn, knocking players back and damaging anyone nearby.The pillars are destroyed into lines that must be dodged when the boss casts Incinerating Roar.

Incinerating Roar - Deals a burst of AoE damage to the raid, leaving behind a stacking 28s DoT.
heal through

Army of Flame - At 100 energy, a ring of adds will spawn at the edge of the room and walk to the center. Touching the ring will kill you. Kill one to open a space for the raid to safely cross through.
quickly identify and focus which adds you want to kill

Molten Cleave - Frontal cone facing a random target.
dodge the cone. use defensives if you cannot.

Flamerift - Several players are given a debuff. Upon expiration, puddles are left behind and spawn an add. 
move out with debuffs. debuffs spawn an add upon expiration. try to group them.

Greater Flamerift - On Mythic difficulty, upon casting Flamerift, Eranog also opens a Greater Flamerift under the tank that spawns a Flamescale Captain add that must be quickly killed.
an add spawns on tank during flamerift, interrupt and kill it quickly.