Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
Just beneath the City of Threads lies Ara-Kara, City of Echoes, the deserted ruins of the City's previous layer. There, Ansurek's forces seek to harvest enough deadly materials to put the entirety of nerubian civilization through ascension if necessary--whether they are willing or not.

1. Skip post mortem

2. Buff Tailoring

3. Tips
1. Skip post mortem
2. Buff Tailoring
3. Tips
1. Engorged Crawler
2. Trilling Attendant
3. Bloodstained Assistant
4. Bloodworker
5. Hulking Bloodguard
6. Sentry Stagshell
7. Jabbing Flyer
8. Reinforced Drone
9. Blood Overseer
10. Winged Carrier
11. Nerubian Hauler
12. Ixin
13. Atik
14. Nakt
15. Bloodstained Webmage
16. Hulking Bloodguard
1. Engorged Crawler
2. Trilling Attendant
3. Bloodstained Assistant
4. Bloodworker
5. Hulking Bloodguard
6. Sentry Stagshell
7. Jabbing Flyer
8. Reinforced Drone
9. Blood Overseer
10. Winged Carrier
11. Nerubian Hauler
12. Ixin
13. Atik
14. Nakt
15. Bloodstained Webmage
16. Hulking Bloodguard
Voracious Bite
Gossamer Onslaught
Alerting Shrill
Eye Of The Swarm
Ceaseless Swarm
Burrow Charge
Cosmic Singularity
Erupting Webs
Venom Volley
1. Avanoxx
1. Voracious Bite
2. Gossamer Onslaught
3. Alerting Shrill
2. Anub'zekt
1. Infestation
2. Eye Of The Swarm
3. Ceaseless Swarm
4. Impale
5. Burrow Charge
3. Ki'katal the Harvester
1. Cosmic Singularity
2. Erupting Webs
3. Venom Volley